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Win a Box Full of Adventure!

1st May 2024

Dan Mapleston

Hi everyone,

You'll all know by now that community is at the heart of what makes Mantic game systems great, and we want to keep inspiring you all to hobby greatness, whether you're playing your hundredth game of Kings of War, or picking up a paintbrush for the first time.

One of the ways we do that is by keeping you up to date with all the latest previews, and tantalising hints of what we're cooking up in the design studio. We're super-excited to share all our cool news with you, and we want to make sure we can do that in the best ways that suit you.

All it takes is a click....but let's make this all 'a little more Mantic' with some prizes!

How about winning a copy of our very latest boxed game: Dungeon Saga Origins?

Okay - now we're talking! And what if we could give you three chances to win that were all quick and FREE?

Tell me more - we hear you say!

There are very 3 clever ways to enter the competition....

Cunning Plan Number 1: Subscribe on YouTube

This one's easy. Want to see what's inside our amazing new kits and games before they arrive? How about exclusive interviews and hobby content you won't find anywhere else?

Then click the 'subscribe' button on our YouTube channel - and get notified whenever there's something great to watch, either on the big screen at home, or the small screen in your pocket!

Brilliant Idea Number 2: Get The Newsletter

Real-world news rarely fills us with joy, but hobby news? That's a different story!

Join our newsletter list RIGHT HERE and we'll send you the latest awesome previews, some cheeky special offers, and make sure you're up to date with cool things that will bring a hobby-fuelled smile to even the most serious of workdays...


Ingenious Scheme Number 3: Follow Us On Facebook

We especially love this last one, as it's where you can share cool things back to us as well! Our Facebook page is where you can find new in-world photography, bucket-loads of hobby inspiration, and the latest news about all our games! Just click here and hit the 'like' button.

Well done, that's your third prize draw entry sorted!

We'll be doing our prize draw at the end of May 2024, and sending out three copies of Dungeon Saga Origins out to some lucky winners - picking one from our list of YouTube subscribers, one from our newsletter list, and one from our Facebook followers.

And if you follow us on all of them, you get three chances to win!

Good luck everybody,

Team Mantic


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Dungeon Saga Origins: Core Game

Players: 1-5, Age: 10+, Duration: 60-120 minutesGenre: Co-operative Adventure Game

Dungeon Saga Origins is a sprawling adventure, full of challenging dungeon quests for you and your party. One player can take the role of the dungeon’s Overlord, or allow the game to control the movement and behaviour of your foes using a set of AI rules! Enjoy beautiful miniatures that represent your heroes and enemies, from lowly goblins to towering monsters. Dungeon Saga Origins will see your party take on the following factions in trilling narrative campaigns

  • Dungeon Saga Origins is the game of classic fantasy adventures for 1-5 players, from ages 10 and up.
  • Set in the ever-expanding fantasy setting of Pannithor, players will choose their hero and customize their abilities and equipment, before setting off on an exciting dungeon-crawling game of combat and exploration. Gameplay is intentionally fast, fun, and intuitive.
  • The game can optionally be played using the ‘Digital Overlord’ – a tool that can manage map reveals, narrate quest intros and save your game state between quests.

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Dungeon Saga Origins: Glimmer of Greed Expansion

Adventure calls again!  Glimmer of Greed is an exciting expansion for the Dungeon Saga Origins game featuring a new story to play through that introduces a host of new enemies from the dangerous Goblin faction in the world of Pannithor.  With a range of new components, new cards, and a sprinkling of new rules for the Overlord and Hero players alike it’s time to muster your favoured companions and best equipment for another heroic tale!

A New Adventure of old friends

Glimmer of Greed is designed as a follow-up storyline to the Trial of Tyranny quest found in the Dungeon Saga Origins core game.  This makes it ideal to play through using the original four characters, Danor, Madriga, Orlaf, and Rordin as a continuation of their tale!

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Dungeon Saga Origins: The Dice Game

The exciting “Push your luck” Dice Game set in a dungeon full of monsters and treasure!

A local fortress, long thought abandoned, has become infested with evil.  You are plucky adventurers, sent by the worried city council to delve deep into the dungeons of an ancient castle to explore its passageways – and clear it of its dark denizens.  Defeat as many as you can, and all the treasure you find is yours to keep.  Who of you can recover the most gold and claim the most glory?

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