Community Showcase: Twilight Kin
16th Oct 2023
Martin Thirlwell
Hi everyone, Martin here!
A while ago I engaged in some clandestine skulduggery, and asked a few of our community painters to undertake a secret mission to paint up new Twilight Kin miniatures ready for launch week.
By now, I hope you’ve already spotted a couple of these out there in the wild… but here they are all in one place for you to enjoy. So lets crack on!
Glen is currently impressing us all with a Daily Dose of Dwarfs on the Kings of War Fanatics page, but he somehow still managed to find time to paint up the Impalers in 6 different styles. If any of his schemes inspire your own Twilight Kin army, give him a shout-out and make his day!
Ironskull Gaming
Dave at Ironskull is an absolute machine. We sent him a mix of frames from the new Twilight Kin range with a brief of ‘paint up what you like the look of’. Of course he did all of them – and they really compliment the look and tone of his excellent Nightstalker units! You can click here to check out his full write-up and video showcase!
Matt Gee
Matt was kind enough to paint some of our Impalers after finishing his spectacular Northern Alliance army at Clash of Kings. We love the moody purple and blue/grey scheme!
Dan Bird
Dan is famous for his stunning Halfling army he has shown off over the last year or so. He’s now poured his considerable talents into painting up the Void Skiffs and they look stunning!
Billy Capgun
Billy requested the Voidtouched, and delivered a brilliant and hideous troop of these vile mutants. These beasts look incredible on a sandy base! The multi-basing adds a lot of motion to the unit…THEY ARE COMING TO GET YOU!
Dan Cammack
WOW! What can I say about these regiment of Corsairs? It’s a fresh and creative paint scheme that looks brilliant. The otherworldly flesh tone is fantastic, and the scenic base is top notch – I can see this scheme inspiring A LOT of players to try something similar!
Paul Welsh
Paul, the recent winner of the best painted army at Clah of Kings, took a Void Skiff and gave it the ‘Welsh treatment’. The result is a brilliant conversion and paint job: *Chef’s Kiss*!
Chris Walsh
I couldn’t ask community members to paint up some miniatures without asking the ‘Perpetual Painter’ himself to join in. Here are Chris’ Impalers in their full glory, and painted up in flesh tones their shields look straight out of a horror-movie…
Kyle Przelenski
Last, but not least, is our very own Kyle! He made a huge effort to get his army updated ready for the Michigan GT, so we wanted to give him a shout-out. Kyle’s really honed in on the buccaneer aesthetic with his Corsairs, and the result is a colourful unit of swashbucklers that you wouldn’t want to mess with!
Wrapping Up
All of these amazing painters have shown off their colour schemes on social media, and I’m sure they would be happy to talk about how they achieved these awesome results. Please show them your love and appreciation 🙂
We can’t wait to get the Twilight Kin range into your hands (it’s shipping this week!), and see what you can all come up with – there’s so much potential in this range to get creative!
Happy hobbying,