How to play DreadBall online using Vassal
6th Apr 2020
Rob Burman
Hey everyone! Hope you're staying busy in these difficult times. This week we'll be continuing to try and keep you busy with more free rules (in fact today we've released solo play rules for The Walking Dead today), more vlogs and hobby tips.
Cast your mind back to last week (yes, it is actually a new week) and you'll remember we had guides to playing Kings of War online using Universal Battle and Vanguard with Vassal. You may also remember we promised a guide to playing DreadBall online too!

Well, the wait is now over! Ciaran Morris (not all heroes wear capes) has done some absolutely amazing work on creating a bespoke DreadBall module using Vassal.

For newcomers Vassal can be a little tricky though. However, Ciaran has put together a newcomer's guide to using the system. The best thing is, it's completely free to download and try out - so you can give it a go TODAY! Make sure you download the how-to guide here.
You will need the core DreadBall rules in order to play. But don't worry because they're currently FREE to download - just click on the link below this article. The Vassal module is a fantastic way to get your DreadBall fix in isolation and you can even try out a new team, while you paint up your models.
Oh, and while we're talking DreadBall, a lot of teams are currently half price on the Mantic website. Perfect if you want something to paint and keep you busy!